Christmas Bird Count 2016

Jan 8, 2017 by

Conditions were a bit challenging for our sixth Christmas Bird Count (CBC) in Glen Providence Park – it was freezing...

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Thanksgiving 2016

Nov 24, 2016 by

Throughout November, we have been counting down to Thanksgiving by posting daily thanks on Facebook. There is some overlap with our...

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The 2100 Project

Oct 23, 2016 by

The 2100 Project is an inspiring website that champions ideas to create a better, more sustainable future. It features an array of...

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10-23-2016 RAIN DATE – Nature Walk for Kids!

Oct 17, 2016 by

Join two local science teachers and nature lovers on a scavenger hunt for some of the leaf and tree varieties we find in Glen...

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More Wildlife Habitat Plantings at Kirk Lane!

Sep 29, 2016 by

For our 6th National Public Lands Day on Saturday, September 24, we installed wildlife habitat plantings at the lovely Kirk Lane...

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Recap: Shakespeare in the Park!

Sep 27, 2016 by

As part of our 2016 Summer Performance Series, Hedgerow Theatre brought Shakespeare to the historical Glen Providence Park stage! The...

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Concert Recap: John Flynn

Jul 29, 2016 by

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon on July 17 for our rain-dated concert in Glen Providence Park with songwriter-activist John Flynn!...

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Concert Recap: Frog Holler

Jul 11, 2016 by

For the first performance of our 2016 Summer Concert Series, Friends of Glen Providence Park welcomed the Rock-Indie-Bluegrass sounds...

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2016 Schedule of Events

Jan 30, 2016 by

Mark your calendars for our 2016 Friends of Glen Providence Park events, including nature walks, volunteer...

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Concert Recap: Delco Let There Be Rock School!

Nov 3, 2015 by

The last concert of the 2015 Summer Concert Series in Glen Providence Park, on the rain date September 13, was provided by the...

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Concert Recap: Philly Winds

Nov 2, 2015 by

Philly Winds, a local classical winds ensemble, performed a wide range of classical styles for the third in our Summer Concert...

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Wildlife Habitat Plantings at Kirk Lane

Sep 30, 2015 by

For our 5th National Public Lands Day on Saturday, September 26, we installed wildlife habitat plantings at the lovely Kirk Lane...

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Concert Recap: Jean Therapy

Sep 9, 2015 by

Immediately following the park’s 80th Anniversary Celebration, the invitingly intimate outdoor venue of the vintage stage at...

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4-25-2015 18th Annual CRC Streams Cleanup!

Mar 23, 2015 by

Friends of Glen Providence Park is proud to be helping the Chester-Ridley-Crum Watersheds Association (CRC) with their 18th Annual...

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Public Input: Site Development Plan for Glen Providence Park...

Mar 18, 2015 by

Public input is needed for Delaware County’s draft proposals for Glen Providence Park! Delaware County Planning has put a lot...

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27 Days of Thanks

Nov 27, 2014 by

Throughout November, we have been counting down to Thanksgiving by posting daily thanks on Facebook. There is some overlap with our...

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7-12-2014 Our 3rd Anniversary Picnic!

Jun 25, 2014 by

Join us as we celebrate the third year of Friends of Glen Providence Park!  It’s our 3rd Anniversary Picnic, and this year we...

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9-14-2013 Ken Delmar & the Cheers Big Band!

Sep 4, 2013 by

For the last of our 2013 Summer Concert Series, Friends of Glen Providence Park is delighted to present a free Big Band Swing...

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1.1 Acre Project – May

Aug 2, 2013 by

In May we saw the area really fill out with foliage. If you compare the two vista shots, you can see the subtle differences. Also,...

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2012 Annual Report

Apr 5, 2013 by

Okay, it’s April, but we are still excited to share our 2012 Annual Report with you! We are proud of all that the volunteers,...

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